Its been very interesting reading the reactions online . . .

by kapowaz, Thursday, June 20, 2013, 00:29 (3990 days ago) @ biggy

I don't consider online passes or "DLC" trying - these things certainly don't put pressure on retailers, just consumers wallets.

I don't like what retailers are doing, but punishing the consumer because companies can't get their act together is something I don't agree with.

Well, they do both; by forcing the game to be shipped in a somewhat neutered state (or by including single-use access codes in the box) they do reduce the resale value of the game, and so this can have an impact on retailers. Obviously selling the game at full price in addition to neutering the game is a rather shitty state of affairs for gamers, though.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I believe that this no DRM thing only affects disc based games. Digital is still locked to the buyers account. I'm saying that you keep digital games tied to the buyers account but that MS and Sony should provide incentives (like selling digital copies at a lower price) so that consumers don't feel the need to buy used games to save $10.

I certainly agree there — the price of games is too high, and once cheaper alternatives (GOG, Steam sales, Humble Bundle etc.) are made available, gamers flock to them. I would go so far as to say that the whole issue of second-hand sales will go away once games are more reasonably priced. I'm fairly certain that one of the leading reasons why people trade in games is to make gaming a cheaper pastime.

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