Help finding old post of youtube video (Off-Topic)

by Claude Errera @, Friday, March 04, 2016, 16:50 (3271 days ago) @ marmot 1333

A good while back, someone on this forum posted a link to a video on youtube that talked about how certain ideas were more likely to be spread and shared by people due to the emotions they evoked in the viewer.

The video talked about how things that people agreed with or just made them feel kind of good didn't get much traction, but something that made people's blood boil with rage was much more likely to get shared. I remember a ranking of emotions based on the likelihood of a person's interaction.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I want to find that video again to share with a friend. I tried searching the forum for it but don't remember any of the keywords or even roughly when it was posted :/

It was an episode of Extra Credits... but I can't remember more than that about it. :(

Their youtube channel is here, though:

Unfortunately, there are over 200 eps. :(

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