
*Sigh* People are so dumb . . . (MS and Quantum Break) (Gaming)

by cheapLEY @, Friday, February 12, 2016, 19:00 (3305 days ago)

Lately I've been really trying to monitor how I conduct myself on the internet. I'm very laid back and very sarcastic. In person, that probably grates on people sometimes (it gives the impression that I don't take anything seriously, which is actually pretty true anyway; lots of people don't like that, I guess). On the internet, I've realized I can come off like a straight up asshole. Add that to the fact that it's difficult to detect tone through text, and people are almost guaranteed to just interpret everything in the worst way possible (I'm very guilty of this, too) and are likely to be combative or defensive . . . It's just something I've been trying to be more conscious of (to varying degrees of non-success, I'm sure).

So anyway, I'm trying not to be too judgmental of anyone, but then something like this happens.

If you preorder Quantum Break on Xbox One (or buy the launch edition of the physical copy), you get the PC version (and Alan Wake) for free. Save games will transfer freely between the two, meaning you can play on your Xbox, then jump over to your PC and pick up exactly where you left off.

Idiots on the internet have somehow decided this is a bad thing, and it blows my mind (this where the trying to not be judgmental thing comes in and fails miserably). This is probably the most pro-consumer thing Microsoft has done in years, and somehow people find a way to be pissed off about it! I'll never understand people . . .


*Sigh* People are so dumb . . . (MS and Quantum Break)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Friday, February 12, 2016, 19:12 (3305 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I don't understand. What is the alternative arrangement that they want? Do they want to pay for it twice?

For a moment I thought maybe the issue was PS4 players not getting the same option, but I just checked and it's not even releasing on PS4 at all. The publisher's listed as MS Studios so I would guess that arrangement is not just a timed exclusive, haha. So I mean TECHNICALLY PS4 players are cut out of this deal, but they were never getting the game at all, so at worst this is still on equal terms with any other console exclusive.


*Sigh* People are so dumb . . . (MS and Quantum Break)

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Friday, February 12, 2016, 19:20 (3305 days ago) @ stabbim

I don't understand. What is the alternative arrangement that they want? Do they want to pay for it twice?

For a moment I thought maybe the issue was PS4 players not getting the same option, but I just checked and it's not even releasing on PS4 at all. The publisher's listed as MS Studios so I would guess that arrangement is not just a timed exclusive, haha. So I mean TECHNICALLY PS4 players are cut out of this deal, but they were never getting the game at all, so at worst this is still on equal terms with any other console exclusive.

No their complaint is that XB1 was originally advertised as an exclusive, and now it's NOT ONE (the PC version was only barely announced)! Stupid still of course.


Well, that's slightly less dumb

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Friday, February 12, 2016, 19:27 (3305 days ago) @ Xenos

For most games, I'd rather have it on my PC than on my One, so I'd definitely feel bad if the announced exclusivity was turned invalid after I already paid.


*Sigh* People are so dumb . . . (MS and Quantum Break)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Friday, February 12, 2016, 21:01 (3304 days ago) @ Xenos

Hmmm... okay I guess I at least see the problem now. Although MS has made up for it by giving them the PC version for free, so that anyone who DID order the XBone version but would prefer PC will be able to to go that route. So, no real problem in those cases.

The only legit complaint I could see would be if someone bought an XBone just for Quantum Break. But if you did that, I think you have bigger issues to worry about. ;)


*Sigh* People are so dumb . . . (MS and Quantum Break)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, February 12, 2016, 21:13 (3304 days ago) @ stabbim

Hmmm... okay I guess I at least see the problem now. Although MS has made up for it by giving them the PC version for free, so that anyone who DID order the XBone version but would prefer PC will be able to to go that route. So, no real problem in those cases.

The only legit complaint I could see would be if someone bought an XBone just for Quantum Break. But if you did that, I think you have bigger issues to worry about. ;)

I don't think there are many people who bought it just for Quantum Break... rather, I think Quantum Break is another example of a trend that is worrying people who chose a console based on exclusives. Titanfall... Tomb Raider... now Quantum Break... some might say "how long until Halo and Gears are on PC?". The argument is that people paid for their Xbox believing it was the only way to play certain games, and are now left thinking they might have been better off putting that money into their PC, since PC gamers often get the best version of the game and don't have to pay to play online.

To be clear, I'm not upset by any of this myself. But I can imagine where some people are coming from on this issue.


*Sigh* People are so dumb . . . (MS and Quantum Break)

by Funkmon @, Friday, February 12, 2016, 21:20 (3304 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

This is one of the reasons why I went Xbox. Tomb Raider, Halo, etc. Mostly it was a continuation of my Friends List, but playing the Halo games and the exclusives factored into it. If I had had a gaming PC at the time, I may have chose differently. I would love to play Naughty Dog games.



by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Friday, February 12, 2016, 19:21 (3305 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Isn't Quantum Break single-player?!


So, yeah. I'm saying it's pretty dumb.

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Friday, February 12, 2016, 19:52 (3305 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Like many things people get mad about this is not about what they are talking about it is about the sub-text and fear that underlies it all. A lot of people made the mistake of conflating console choice with personal identity or tribal affiliation. They have been Defending Xbox for so long that anything that weakens it "competitively" (or really, even just removes a point of differentiation) is a big problem.

They were out there fighting the fight for Microsoft and now they are having the ground under them eroded by business decisions that don't align with their campaign against the 2-front war of PlayStation and PC. They had these things that were "Only on XBOX" — it said so right there on the trailer. But now, here they are giving this thing that was only theirs (loyal soldier that they were) to the people who had been judging them.

And even that is not really what's happening. They picked XBONE, even though the zeitgeist said PS4 was the Gamer's Choice™. They Picked XBONE, even thought the PC Master Race told them it was where the casual and skill-less played. They are afraid that maybe they picked wrong and now they are all alone with their mistake - a soldier left behind when the army pulled out.

The girl they liked just kissed their bully; Their friend picked the jock instead of them in the kickball draft; some third childhood Scène à faire trauma where someone is emotionally hurt by someone else acting rationally instead of guarding their feelings.


That's tragic, but beautifully explained. Thanks!

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Friday, February 12, 2016, 20:03 (3304 days ago) @ Vortech

- No text -


The technical term is "Virtue Signalling"

by Durandal, Saturday, February 13, 2016, 15:12 (3304 days ago) @ Vortech

It isn't about the thing itself, but displaying your membership in the "right" groups via behavior and possessions.


The technical term is "Virtue Signalling"

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Sunday, February 14, 2016, 16:04 (3303 days ago) @ Durandal

It isn't about the thing itself, but displaying your membership in the "right" groups via behavior and possessions.

Well this explains pretty much everything I see on Facebook.


Devil's advocate

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, February 12, 2016, 20:14 (3304 days ago) @ cheapLEY

So let me say up front that I 99% agree with you. I think the level of rage around this is just insane. But there is a tiny little bit of justification behind some of the rage that is happening.

There are some people who only bought a new console in the past few months. Let's say someone was trying to decide "Do I buy a PS4, Xbox One, or invest some money into upgrading my PC?". For people in this position, console exclusives can be a major deciding factor. Microsoft and Sony know this. So when Microsoft keeps quiet about the existence of a PC version of Quantum Break until this close to launch, it doesn't surprise me that there are some players feeling a little cheesed off by it. It's not that they don't want anyone else to play the game... it's that they said to themselves "I really want to play Tomb Raider and Halo and Quantum Break and there is only one way to do that". The PC Version of Tomb Raider launched only a couple months after the Xbox "exclusive". Quantum Break PC will be available day 1. The fear for some is that the "reasons" they bought their Xbox are gradually eroding, and they are left wishing they had put the money into upgrading their PC instead.


Makes sense.

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Friday, February 12, 2016, 20:18 (3304 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Fortunately, I think that here are other significant downsides (besides exclusivity) to PC gaming that justify my owning a console. It's just less hassle.


Makes sense.

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, February 12, 2016, 20:59 (3304 days ago) @ CyberKN

Fortunately, I think that here are other significant downsides (besides exclusivity) to PC gaming that justify my owning a console. It's just less hassle.

They are getting closer and closer. You have to install console games now. You need to download day 1 patches now. You have to worry about disk space. You need to have an internet connection at all times for some games.


Makes sense.

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Friday, February 12, 2016, 21:04 (3304 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Right, because THOSE are the primary reasons I bought a console. Not because I don't want to pay the same price for a GPU as I paid for my whole XBox. It's definitely not that.


Makes sense.

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Friday, February 12, 2016, 21:05 (3304 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Fortunately, I think that here are other significant downsides (besides exclusivity) to PC gaming that justify my owning a console. It's just less hassle.

They are getting closer and closer. You have to install console games now. You need to download day 1 patches now. You have to worry about disk space. You need to have an internet connection at all times for some games.


But at least I know I don't have the wrong drivers/hardware or something. When I started playing the new Elite: Dangerous expansion, I kept falling through the ground on planets after landing on them. Turned out to be a graphics driver issue. :V


Makes sense.

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, February 12, 2016, 21:08 (3304 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Fortunately, I think that here are other significant downsides (besides exclusivity) to PC gaming that justify my owning a console. It's just less hassle.

They are getting closer and closer. You have to install console games now. You need to download day 1 patches now. You have to worry about disk space. You need to have an internet connection at all times for some games.

I decided to dip my toe back in to PC gaming last month... loaded up my Surface Pro 3 with a few games. Spent my first hour with Splinter Cell Blacklist experimenting with different combinations of resolution/texture/lighting settings to get it to run well, before finally just resigning myself to the fact that it won't play as smooth or look as good (on my PC) as it did on the 360.

PC gaming is definitely not my thing :-/


Makes sense.

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Friday, February 12, 2016, 21:20 (3304 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Fortunately, I think that here are other significant downsides (besides exclusivity) to PC gaming that justify my owning a console. It's just less hassle.

They are getting closer and closer. You have to install console games now. You need to download day 1 patches now. You have to worry about disk space. You need to have an internet connection at all times for some games.

I decided to dip my toe back in to PC gaming last month... loaded up my Surface Pro 3 with a few games. Spent my first hour with Splinter Cell Blacklist experimenting with different combinations of resolution/texture/lighting settings to get it to run well, before finally just resigning myself to the fact that it won't play as smooth or look as good (on my PC) as it did on the 360.

PC gaming is definitely not my thing :-/

I actually own two copies of that game on PC (in addition to my 360 copy). I re-bought the game on Steam after picking it up on Uplay, because Uplay's patching methodology was so INCREDIBLY infuriating and nonsensical:

  • Download Game (this would download the 1.0 version)
  • Attempt to run game.
  • Uplay checks to see if a patch is available, and starts downloading it. (Keep in mind each patch is 10+ GB, and Uplay's patch servers are slow)
  • Game is now patched to v 1.1. Game will run, but not connect to other players if you have a different version. Quit game.
  • Attempt to run game.
  • Uplay checks to see if a patch is available (it is, again), and starts downloading it.
  • Game is now patched to v 1.2. Game will run, but not connect to other players if you have a different version. Quit game.
  • Attempt to run game.
  • Uplay checks to see if a patch is available (it is, again), and starts downloading it.
  • Repeat forever.

True, but PC still sucks for stuff.

by Funkmon @, Friday, February 12, 2016, 21:24 (3304 days ago) @ Cody Miller

For example, I bought Mirror's Edge on a card from Gamestop. I used EA's whatever to download it and it didn't work. I was escalated and escalated and escalated. The only thing I could do was reformat so it worked. I did, it worked. But I had to reformat.

I don't think I've ever had to reformat my Xbox.


Devil's advocate

by cheapLEY @, Friday, February 12, 2016, 22:44 (3304 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I understand what you're saying, but I don't really understand the mentality. Bottom line is you're getting a free game. If someone is worried about things like this, he can always just sell is Xbox One and invest in his PC.

It's been pretty common lately that "exclusive" actually means "console exclusive." And I think this is a great move that Microsoft should take all the way. They've been trying to make one large ecosystem across Windows and Xbox for years now; they should just double down and do it and make all of their first party titles work on Xbox and Windows 10. In that case, I don't think they would continue to make one $60 purchase cover both versions (although that would be amazing), but they could probably offer a strong discount for those that already one version switching to the other.

This isn't a bad thing no matter how you look at (unless you're the one person that literally bought an Xbox One only because you thought that was the only way to play it; I don't think there's many of those folks out there). This is a great thing, and one I hope that MS really goes all the way with.


*Sigh* People are so dumb . . . (MS and Quantum Break)

by Kahzgul, Sunday, February 14, 2016, 06:01 (3303 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Lately I've been really trying to monitor how I conduct myself on the internet. I'm very laid back and very sarcastic. In person, that probably grates on people sometimes (it gives the impression that I don't take anything seriously, which is actually pretty true anyway; lots of people don't like that, I guess). On the internet, I've realized I can come off like a straight up asshole. Add that to the fact that it's difficult to detect tone through text, and people are almost guaranteed to just interpret everything in the worst way possible (I'm very guilty of this, too) and are likely to be combative or defensive . . . It's just something I've been trying to be more conscious of (to varying degrees of non-success, I'm sure).

So anyway, I'm trying not to be too judgmental of anyone, but then something like this happens.

If you preorder Quantum Break on Xbox One (or buy the launch edition of the physical copy), you get the PC version (and Alan Wake) for free. Save games will transfer freely between the two, meaning you can play on your Xbox, then jump over to your PC and pick up exactly where you left off.

Idiots on the internet have somehow decided this is a bad thing, and it blows my mind (this where the trying to not be judgmental thing comes in and fails miserably). This is probably the most pro-consumer thing Microsoft has done in years, and somehow people find a way to be pissed off about it! I'll never understand people . . .

It is a bad thing. Pre-orders are a bad thing. I cannot say this enough. If you buy a product without seeing that product, you are encouraging the companies that produce that product to put their money into pre-launch advertising instead of actual production of that product.



*Sigh* People are so dumb . . . (MS and Quantum Break)

by cheapLEY @, Sunday, February 14, 2016, 14:08 (3303 days ago) @ Kahzgul


I don't disagree. However, the offer also applies to the first run of physical copies. So you can wait for the review, then go to the store and pick up a copy and still get the deal.


*Sigh* People are so dumb . . . (MS and Quantum Break)

by Kahzgul, Sunday, February 14, 2016, 15:41 (3303 days ago) @ cheapLEY


I don't disagree. However, the offer also applies to the first run of physical copies. So you can wait for the review, then go to the store and pick up a copy and still get the deal.

And this is exactly what you should do! I've actually found that, for every single game I've purchased since Destiny was released (my last pre-order), buying that game after the reviews were out still netted me the preorder "bonuses."


*Sigh* People are so dumb . . . (MS and Quantum Break)

by cheapLEY @, Sunday, February 14, 2016, 15:59 (3303 days ago) @ Kahzgul


I don't disagree. However, the offer also applies to the first run of physical copies. So you can wait for the review, then go to the store and pick up a copy and still get the deal.

And this is exactly what you should do! I've actually found that, for every single game I've purchased since Destiny was released (my last pre-order), buying that game after the reviews were out still netted me the preorder "bonuses."

The only game I've pre-ordered in years is Halo 5, and I did that the day before it came out so I could pre-load it and play at midnight.

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