
Hard Light Only VOG completed (Destiny)

by Chappy, Arlington, VA., Thursday, January 07, 2016, 19:12 (3187 days ago) @ Morpheus

I figured we could use the specific weapon ideas on Atheon (or the Templar) himself, because using it through the entire raid as your only weapon is just stupid.

Oops. :) I hope you still don't feel this way; I thought last night's hard-light-only VoG raid was a lot of fun! I didn't capture any video, but using hard light throughout the entire raid turned out to be pretty easy, even for bosses. I think we only had one intentional wipe due to general silliness, and one wipe at Gatekeepers. Atheon went down with barely a fight (two teleports).

Anyway, thanks for putting it together, and thanks to Funkmon, SaylorTw1ft, Rasengen Crow and Kugamunga for the good time. Any interest in a no-weapons run next (melees, grenades and supers allowed)?

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