
After a stroke, you have to practice your hand jobs. (Off-Topic)

by Funkmon @, Friday, December 11, 2015, 09:40 (3273 days ago) @ ZackDark

No, but seriously. A friend of mine got pretty awfully screwed up in Iraq, and some people in my family have had strokes. All I hear is that if you practice moving a lot you can recover well if you're lucky.

My friend regained almost all his motion back in his left arm by playing baseball (in the beginning he would have to hold up his left arm with his right; hilarious), learning piano, and playing video games.

His hand jobs (so he called them) every day were:
1. Play piano.
2. Play video games.

I liked the video game part because it meant I could beat him in Halo 3, when I couldn't before.

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