Welcome to the official destiny.bungie.org podcast! We'd give you a rundown of what you'll hear on each episode - but we don't know until we record 'em. Shenanigans, in any case. You can also subscribe to our
Starside Lounge feed (RSS) with any podcast app. Go listen.

The Starside Lounge, Episode 34.5 (Warmind) (Tue, 17 Apr 2018)
Community guest Ragashingo joins Xenos, Claude, and Beorn to talk about "Warmind," the next Destiny 2 Expansion coming on May 8th, 2018.
The Starside Lounge Episode 13 (Baker's Dozen) (Wed, 13 Dec 2017)
This episode contains sigificant spoilers for both the Leviathan raid and the Curse of Osiris Raid Lair.
Xenos, Breitzen, and Beorn catch up with Destiny 2 since launch.
The Starside Lounge Episode 12 (D2E3) (Fri, 16 Jun 2017)
Beorn, Xenos, and Speedracer are joined by community guest Ragashingo to talk about Destiny 2 at E3 2017!
Hedge's tweet about Gary and the Grunts: https://twitter.com/Hedgem0ny/status/874455903109488640
Ragashingo's Bite-Sized Backstories are archived at http://destiny.bungie.org/bsb/
The Starside Lounge Episode 11 (Destiny 2 Reveal) (Tue, 23 May 2017)
Beorn wasn't on the show, so he's leaving this blank out of spite. I'm sure they talked about sandwiches or something.
The Starside Lounge Episode 10 (We're Bullish on Heavy Ammo Synth Futures) (Tue, 12 Apr 2016)
April update! Tomorrow! Claude, Xenos, Speedracer, Korny, and Beorn sit around and gab about the new hotness that awaits the Destiny universe on April 12th, 2016. Xenos spreads misinformation about Sublime Engrams, Beorn forgets the podcast name, and Claude is working on his house. Still.
Thanks for listening!
The Starside Lounge Episode 9 (Catching-Up on The Taken King) (Thu, 17 Dec 2015)
Xenos, Leviathan, and Beorn welcome new admin Speedracer and community guest SquidNH3 as we catch up on The Taken King.
The Starside Lounge Episode 8 (Dreadnaught Patrol) (Mon, 21 Sep 2015)
Xenos and Beorn are joined by Community guest breitzen in our first ever VIDEO edition of the podcast! We Patrol the Dreadnaught for missions, rock the Court of Oryx, and go exploring for Calcified Fragments and treasure chests!
The Starside Lounge Episode 7 (Fri, 28 Aug 2015)
The one before PAX. Beorn, Xenos, Claude, and ncsuDuncan talk about the Destiny Year Two Twitch stream, more game industry coverage of The Taken King, and we reveal our giveaway winner from the previous episode!
The Starside Lounge Episode 6 (Sat, 8 Aug 2015)
Special guest CruelLEGACEY (Nevin Douglas) joins Beorn, Xenos, Claude, and Leviathan to talk about this week's Destiny news from Gamescom and the Game Informer article.
In this episode, we talk in depth about the Game Informer article, including PvE and PvP material that some may consider to be spoilers. If you want to approach The Taken King knowing as little as possible, you won't want to listen to this episode. HOWEVER, at 1:20:20 we do mention a giveaway that you may want to hear about. That section of the discussion is spoiler-free.
The Starside Lounge Episode 5 (Thu, 6 Aug 2015)
Special guests Earendil and Speedracer join Xenos and Beorn as we talk about the Dreadnaught, weapon foundries, Bungie fandom, Trials of Osiris, and our wishes for Destiny.
The Starside Lounge Episode 4 (Wed, 22 Jul 2015)
This week we cover Bungie Day and Moments of Triumph, UI updates, fresh Community Manager blood, weapon tuning, and, of course, fashion tips! Hosted by Beorn, Claude, Xenos, Leviathan, and Malagate.
The Starside Lounge Episode 3 (Mon, 29 Jun 2015)
Hey, we're back! Beorn is joined by Claude, Mastrbiggy, Xenos, and Leviathan as we talk about Destiny: The Taken King, distill some details from the E3 show floor, pontificate about pricing, and wax whimsical about our Destiny wishes. Sit back and relax in the Starside Lounge!
The Starside Lounge Episode 2 (Sun, 14 Jul 2013)
Four members of the DBO admin team set aside their differences to discuss every Bungie fan's most coveted game: Wreckateer. In between tales of giant slingshots and crumbling castles, the group manages to sneak in a few Destiny-related thoughts on Chris Butcher, Bungie Week, Jason Jones, fan creativity, and of course: SPACE MAGIC! Featuring ncsuDuncan, Beorn, mastrbiggy, and GrimBrother One.
The Starside Lounge Episode 1 (Sat, 22 Jun 2013)
In our first real podcast, staff members who attended E3 discuss our trips to LA, the Microsoft and Sony press conferences, the show floor, our impressions of Destiny, and recent Xbox policy changes. It's 90 minutes of sharp insights, stupid jokes, and making fun of old people.
The Starside Lounge Episode Zero (Sun, 9 Jun 2013)
For a little over an hour, we discuss Bungie's E3 gameplay reveal, Destiny platforms, character classes and customization, micro-transactions, The Law of the Jungle, and more. Check it out, we hope you enjoy it!