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Search results for tag 'vault-of-farce'

Showing results 26 - 50 of 99 matches

Iron Resolve

I think Stuntmutt might be worried about news coming out of PAX this week...

Claude Errera | Sep 2, 2016 07:39 am | link

Something something butt

A conversation about special weapons drew out a strip from Stuntmutt - he claims to have been holding it back for the right moment, but mostly I think he likes poking me. Well, all of us, but me especially.

Claude Errera | Aug 30, 2016 01:31 pm | link

Privates Lobby

It's Friday and Stuntmutt is gearing up for Rise of Iron!

Beorn | Aug 19, 2016 01:21 pm | link


In Stuntmutt's words:

This one arguably has a clanger of a spoiler in it...

Claude Errera | Aug 12, 2016 05:43 am | link

Counting the Khvost

As usual, Stuntmutt focuses on the important aspects of any announcement...

Claude Errera | Aug 7, 2016 12:16 pm | link

A Flood of Errors

Stuntmutt's still in the Caribbean, but he found time to send us this week's Vault of Farce. I'm not sure if I should be thanking him or not.

Claude Errera | Jul 29, 2016 11:14 am | link

Via Plantain Internet

Stuntmutt writes:

Good news, bad news.
Good news, I'm approximately 4000 miles away from the laptop and copy of Word that I use to make VoF.
Bad news, my daughter brought a set of felt tip pens...

Claude Errera | Jul 22, 2016 10:27 am | link

Once More, With Feeling!

Winter is Coming. Again.

Beorn | Jul 15, 2016 08:21 am | link

To a Tee

Stuntmutt says, “I know the Pound is weak against the Dollar right now, but even so…”

To a Tee

Beorn | Jul 8, 2016 08:50 am | link

Snow and Tell

Apparently my peers were off celebrating the Fourth of July early this weekend and forgot to post the latest Vault of Farce from Stuntmutt. We shall correct this error... now!

With the Weekly Update light on content, Vault of Farce asks the big questions about the upcoming expansion.

And gets no answers.

Cold Snaps

Beorn | Jul 5, 2016 09:58 am | link

Stuntmutt's Imbibing Vino Again

Sometimes your brain just won't let you sleep...

Claude Errera | Jun 24, 2016 10:32 am | link


We forgot to get to this yesterday... but it's still relevant. (If you haven't tried out this week's Nightfall, you're missing out - mostly on Warlock bonds and powerful primary weapons. And lots and lots of bad puns.)

Claude Errera | Jun 18, 2016 12:56 pm | link

And I'm Spent

Stuntmutt suggested the panels would be even MORE obscured, if he weren't so broke...

Claude Errera | Jun 10, 2016 10:11 am | link

Hell Yeah

SOMEONE has been playing games other than Destiny recently... (In Stuntmutt's defense, he's noticed that playing Doom and then switching back to Destiny is like race training in high altitude... the Crucible becomes easier after the super-speed carnage against demons. Give it a try!)

Claude Errera | Jun 3, 2016 08:54 am | link

Caesar? I never even met 'er.

Full credit to Stuntmutt for the headline; I couldn't NOT use it.

Claude Errera | May 27, 2016 03:51 pm | link


Stuntmutt has some issues with Destiny's RNG rewards. I suppose he has a point.

Claude Errera | May 20, 2016 01:16 pm | link

Shake Up

Stuntmutt's got a point... Variks has gotten somewhat more... enthusiastic this time around.

Claude Errera | May 13, 2016 08:07 am | link

Every Silver Lining...

Looks like we forgot to post this yesterday! Stuntmutt reminds us that all of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again.

The Other Silver

Beorn | Apr 30, 2016 02:50 pm | link

Ghost Writer

Has the Ghost gotten funnier? Stuntmutt wonders...

Claude Errera | Apr 22, 2016 12:15 pm | link

Off Colour

Stuntmutt realized after creating this strip that there's no green Chroma. Sometimes you have to bend reality for the sake of a joke. (This probably wasn't one of those times, but we don't pay him enough to force him to fix it.)

Claude Errera | Apr 15, 2016 11:44 am | link

Could have been worse... could have been a dove...

Stuntmutt let us know he's a little nervous about the tweaking incoming next week.

Claude Errera | Apr 8, 2016 03:07 pm | link

On Time, Most of the Time

Wow. I posted this earlier this morning - I guess the site's joke on me was to not actually save it. Almost made the headline even more true than it is! Stuntmutt sent the image below, along with the following note:

All we have to do is get through the next 24 hours without Bungie posting - 330 Year 1 weapons? APRIL FOOOOOOOOL...

Goodness. Enjoy your farce!


Claude Errera | Apr 1, 2016 04:26 pm | link

Count Down

Stuntmutt sent along a Tuesday Vault of Farce; he suggested its tardiness (it arrived this morning) might be due to an overabundance of chocolate last weekend. Either way, it's totally appropriate for this week's King's Fall Challenge Mode... and I can't even tell you how many times I've lived through it.

Claude Errera | Mar 29, 2016 09:51 am | link


Stuntmutt is curious about that screenshot in yesterday's TWAB...

Claude Errera | Mar 18, 2016 10:47 am | link

The Sound of Silence

Stuntmutt continues to impress. Or not impress. I can’t tell anymore.

Beorn | Mar 11, 2016 07:36 am | link

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